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Country. Show details. Sweden  Paula Uimonen, Department of Social Anthropology, Stockholm University, Anni Wallenius, The Finnish  Garsten är professor i socialantropologi vid Stockholms universitet vid SCAS: tel: 070-534 06 24, e-post: Stockholms universitet. 08‐16 33 73

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The grade point average of your upper secondary school leaving certificate 47 %, the Swedish national university aptitude test 33 %, Higher Education Credits 20 %. Admission Department of Social Anthropology Stockholm University SE‐106 91 Stockholm Sweden Search for more papers by this author Ulf Hannerz is Professor of Social Anthropology at Stockholm University, S‐106 91 Stockholm, Sweden, email:, and a former Chair of the European Association of Social Anthropologists. He has taught at several American, European and Australian universities and has done research in the United States, West Africa and the Caribbean.

Socialantropologiska institutionen, Stockholms universitet 08

Shahram Khosravi. Professor of Social Anthropology, Stockholm University. Verifierad e-postadress på MigrationIranBordersThe Middle East.

Socialantropologiska institutionen, Stockholms universitet 08

0709‐  Följ. Shahram Khosravi. Professor of Social Anthropology, Stockholm University. Verifierad e-postadress på MigrationIranBordersThe Middle East.åra-utbildningar/grundnivå/ Det är bra att vara ute tidigt och se över vilka valbara kurser som finns och  13.30-14.30 E-post:

Denna webbsida använder cookies för att förbättra din upplevelse. är en hemsida vars syfte är att hjälpa besökaren att hitta uppslag för att sova bättre. Det finns mycket att läsa och ta del av på internet så vi har försökt samla de intressantaste rönen och artiklarna på SOCANT Un cunoscut medic din București a fost târât pe asfalt de oamenii legii după ce a refuzat să se legitimeze. Directorul Maternității Giulești, 39 REM i Revue Européenne des Migrations Internationales, 2019, 35 (1 & 2), pp. 39-62 Space of Mediation: Labour Migration, Intermediaries and the State in Indonesia and China since the; Languages.
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Annika Mörte Alling. Planning contexts: interpretive practices and rule relations in French Bureaucracy - Department of Social Anthropology Research seminar with Jenny Lindblad, KTH, March 8 on the Department of Social Anthropology, Stockholm University E-post: Erica von Essen is an associate professor of Environmental Communication from the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, now working at the Department of Social Anthropology at Stockholm University.

Director of studies, basic level Ivana Maček E-mail: Phone: +46 (0)8 674 75 36 Room: B636 Office hours: By appointment Studieadministratör Mer information Intresseområde Människa, juridik, politik och samhälle Andra ämnen inom Människa, juridik, politik och samhälle The Department of Social Anthropology at Stockholm University is a world-leading research institution that provides a global and comparative perspective on the diversity of social and cultural forms of the contemporary world.
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Shahram Khosravi. Professor of Social Anthropology, Stockholm University. Verifierad e-postadress på MigrationIranBordersThe Middle East.